Asia-Pacific Sprint (since 1995)

APsprint Logo

The Annual Plaques sponsored by CQ Ham Radio (Japan) from 1997 to 2023, will no longer be awarded.
Our cordial thanks to CQ Ham Radio (Japan) for their patronage over 26 years!!

Next AP Sprint: 20 October 2024 / 0000-0200 UTC / 15m & 20m / CW

SPECIAL NOTE:    Effective October 2023
Contacts with stations in Russia and Belarus count for points and multipliers, but logs submitted from stations in these two nations will be treated as check logs.  We hope circumstances will allow this to be reviewed sooner rather than later.

Result of #88 AP Sprint
Electronic certificates will be available for download soon
Raw Scores before cross-checking and Public Logs

Plaque Winners for Year 2023

The electronic certificates are made available for download instead of paper certificates
from the AP Sprints in 2017.

AP Sprint Rule in Japanese translated for reference only

QSY rule
        CW - called station (usually CQer) QSYs at least 1 kHz after a QSO
        SSB - called station (usually CQer) QSYs at least 6 kHz after a QSO

APSprint Plaque
        APSprint Certificate

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