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Asia Pacific Sprint
-APS- 2024-02 CW
Email-LOG Received List

  The log deadline for this contest is "2024-02-17 1300utc"

 If you are not listed on this list, please contact

                                          Compiled at 2024-02-17 13utc

    1: JA0FVU        4: JA8RWU        7: JF3KCH       10: JH4FUF       13: KB7G/KH6  
    2: JA7CUA        5: JE4MHL        8: JH1VIX       11: JH7UJU       14: UT5C      
    3: JA7NVF        6: JF2FIU        9: JH2RIH       12: JO4MTH       15:           

=============  Un-submitted logs  =============

The following CallSigns were reported in the several logs.
Your log would be greatly appreciated for the accurate log check.
Please send YOUR LOG immediately to;

    1: JA6FOF        2: SM6F          3: W7SW          4: XV9DL         5:           

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